Results for 'Elena de Bertola'

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  1.  29
    Semiotica de las artes visuales (Semiotics of the Visual Arts)Cuestiones de estetica.Mihai Nadin, Elena de Bertola, Jorge Glusberg, Jorge Lopez Anaya & Rosa Maria Ravera - 1982 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 40 (4):443.
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    Creatividad Como Eje de Integración Intercultural.Elena De Prada Creo - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (1):1-12.
    La movilidad internacional ha demostrado contribuir muy favorablemente al desarrollo personal, académico y profesional del alumnado universitario. Conseguir que la mayor parte de los estudiantes tengan acceso a este tipo de experiencias debe de ser un objetivo prioritario para favorecer su formación integral. En el caso de las movilidades de corta duración, hacer una planificación específica a través de fórmulas de turismo creativo que permitan el máximo aprovechamiento de los intercambios interculturales puede determinar el éxito de la experiencia. La evaluación (...)
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    Evidence theory in multivalued models of modal logic.Elena Tsiporkova, Bernard De Baets & Veselka Boeva - 2000 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 10 (1):55-81.
    ABSTRACT A modal logic interpretation of Dempster-Shafer theory is developed in the framework of multivalued models of modal logic, i.e. models in which in any possible world an arbitrary number (possibly zero) of atomic propositions can be true. Several approaches to conditioning in multivalued models of modal logic are presented.
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    Luciano Petech and Desideri.Elena De Rossi Filibeck - 2018 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 38 (1):61-68.
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    Duality, Fundamentality, and Emergence.Elena Castellani & Sebastian De Haro - unknown
    We argue that dualities offer new possibilities for relating fundamentality, levels, and emergence. Namely, dualities often relate two theories whose hierarchies of levels are inverted relative to each other, and so allow for new fundamentality relations, as well as for epistemic emergence. We find that the direction of emergence typically found in these cases is opposite to the direction of emergence followed in the standard accounts. Namely, the standard emergence direction is that of decreasing fundamentality: there is emergence of less (...)
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  6. Torto.Elena Bargelli & Mario Ricciardi E. Filippo Santoni de Sio - 2015 - In Mario Ricciardi, Andrea Rossetti & Vito Velluzzi (eds.), Filosofia del diritto. Roma: Carocci editore.
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    Beyond Single‐Mindedness: A Figure‐Ground Reversal for the Cognitive Sciences.Mark Dingemanse, Andreas Liesenfeld, Marlou Rasenberg, Saul Albert, Felix K. Ameka, Abeba Birhane, Dimitris Bolis, Justine Cassell, Rebecca Clift, Elena Cuffari, Hanne De Jaegher, Catarina Dutilh Novaes, N. J. Enfield, Riccardo Fusaroli, Eleni Gregoromichelaki, Edwin Hutchins, Ivana Konvalinka, Damian Milton, Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi, Vasudevi Reddy, Federico Rossano, David Schlangen, Johanna Seibtbb, Elizabeth Stokoe, Lucy Suchman, Cordula Vesper, Thalia Wheatley & Martina Wiltschko - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (1):e13230.
    A fundamental fact about human minds is that they are never truly alone: all minds are steeped in situated interaction. That social interaction matters is recognized by any experimentalist who seeks to exclude its influence by studying individuals in isolation. On this view, interaction complicates cognition. Here, we explore the more radical stance that interaction co-constitutes cognition: that we benefit from looking beyond single minds toward cognition as a process involving interacting minds. All around the cognitive sciences, there are approaches (...)
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    Hábitos saludables de los trabajadores del CSIC durante el confinamiento por la COVID-19 en España.Elena H. De Diego, Belén Zapatera, Juana Frías & Sonia Gómez-Martínez - 2022 - Arbor 198 (806):a681.
    Objeto: la crisis de la COVID-19 ha causado un cambio profundo en el estilo de vida de la ciudadanía. Las olas previas han demostrado que en régimen de confinamiento se pueden desarrollar problemas de salud mental y hay efectos sobre la actividad física y cambios en los hábitos dietéticos. Tema y metodología: se envió a los trabajadores del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) un cuestionario en línea sobre sus costumbres relacionadas con la salud durante el confinamiento en España. Resultados: (...)
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    Experiencia de los miembros de la comunidad en los comités de ética en investigación en Colombia.Elena Rey Lozano, Gilberto Alfonso Gamboa Bernal & María de los Ángeles Mazzanti Di Ruggiero - 2016 - Escritos 24 (53):369-390.
    Research Ethics Committees have the responsibility to protect the participants involved in researches and to guarantee the ethical behavior of researchers. In some institutions, such committees also review scientific projects of non-pharmaceutical areas, Public Health and Health Economics. Within this framework, the article analyzes what it means to be part of a Research Ethics Committee in a hospital or university based on personal experience as a community representative. By means of the convenience sampling technique, implemented in four Colombian cities that (...)
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    Della filosofia della storia.Aurelio Bertola De' Giorgi - 1787 - Napoli: Liguori.
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    Virtue Monism and Medical Practice: Practical Wisdom as Cross-Situational Ethical Expertise.Mario De Caro, Federico Bina, Sofia Bonicalzi, Riccardo Brunetti, Michel Croce, Skaistė Kerusauskaite, Claudia Navarini, Elena Ricci & Maria Silvia Vaccarezza - forthcoming - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy.
    This article defends the centrality of practical wisdom in medical practice by building on a monistic view of moral virtue, termed the “Aretai model,” according to which possession of practical wisdom is necessary and sufficient for virtuousness, grounding both moral growth and effective moral behavior. From this perspective, we argue that practical wisdom should be conceived as a cross-situational ethical expertise consisting of four skills:moral perception, moral deliberation, emotion regulation, and moral motivation. Conceiving of practical wisdom as both overall virtuousness (...)
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    Por amor de materia: ensayos sobre María Zambrano: un entramado a cuatro manos.Pina De Luca & Elena Laurenzi (eds.) - 2014 - Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, España: Plaza y Valdés Editores.
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    Estrategia curricular para la formación pedagógica en la carrera de Medicina.Cecilia Valdés de la Rosa, Hilda Elena Iglesias Carnot, Mayda Duran Matos, Aurea Gayol Irizar & Mercedes Hernández González - 2010 - Humanidades Médicas 10 (2):0-0.
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    Linguistic Meaning Meets Linguistic Form in Action.Nara Miranda de Figueiredo & Elena Clare Cuffari - 2022 - Manuscrito 45 (1):56-79.
    In this paper we suggest that Duffley’s sign-based semantics rests on two main claims: a methodological one and an ontological one. The methodological one is the analysis of corpora and the ontological one is the postulate of mental content. By adopting a linguistic enactivist perspective with a Wittgensteinian twist, we endorse Duffley’s methodological claim and suggest that a sign-based semantics doesn’t have to rely on mental content if it takes into account the conception of meaningful material engagement in cognitive archeology (...)
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    Sobre la posible "superación" de la epistemología.María Elena Candioti de De Zan - 2001 - Tópicos 8:175-181.
    The aim of this work is to analyze the current situation of epistemology, and those critics, such as those presented by Rorty and Taylor, that indicate the necessity of overcoming. It is intended to show that the foundational project and ideas of exact representation, elementary experience and incorrigibility, which from modernity conditioned epistemology, are untenable. However, a new form of philosophical reflection that considers the plot knowledge / language / action, can be thought. This new perspective implicates to attend to (...)
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  16. Iniciativas institucionales e individuales en la creación de estructuras científicas: El Instituto de Tecnología Química.Elena Castro Martínez & Ignacio Fernández de Lucio - 2007 - Arbor 183 (727):803-819.
    Se analiza la evolución del Instituto de Tecnología Química (ITQ), centro mixto del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas y de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, desde su creación en 1990 en el marco de una iniciativa de colaboración institucional y de investigadores. Se describen las fases del proceso, los elementos facilitadores y las dificultades encontradas, así como las características actuales del Instituto. La valoración de la iniciativa evidencia su éxito: se han superado con creces los resultados esperados por las instituciones (...)
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    Historia de las ideas filosóficas en Santo Domingo durante el siglo XVIII.Rosa Elena Pérez de la Cruz - 2000 - México: UNAM.
  18. From participatory sense-making to language: there and back again.Elena Clare Cuffari, Ezequiel Di Paolo & Hanne De Jaegher - 2015 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (4):1089-1125.
    The enactive approach to cognition distinctively emphasizes autonomy, adaptivity, agency, meaning, experience, and interaction. Taken together, these principles can provide the new sciences of language with a comprehensive philosophical framework: languaging as adaptive social sense-making. This is a refinement and advancement on Maturana’s idea of languaging as a manner of living. Overcoming limitations in Maturana’s initial formulation of languaging is one of three motivations for this paper. Another is to give a response to skeptics who challenge enactivism to connect “lower-level” (...)
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  19. Historia de las ideas filosóficas en Santo Domingo durante el siglo XVIII.Pérez de la Cruz & Rosa Elena - 2000 - México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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  20. Beauty: a powerful force for sustainability and regeneration.Maria Elena Zingoni de Baro - 2015 - In Christopher Crouch (ed.), An introduction to sustainability and aesthetics: the arts and design for the environment. Boca Raton, Florida: BrownWalker Press.
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    Hacia una epistemología educacional.María Elena Candioti de De Zan, Josefa G. Ceretto, María del Pilar Britos, Roxana Prósperi & María Inés Prono - 1996 - Tópicos 4:3-60.
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    El cuerpo como base de la organización cognoscitiva. Epistemología genética y fenomenología.María Elena Candioti de De Zan - 1997 - Tópicos 5:29-46.
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    El pensamiento ético de Andrés Avelino.Pérez de la Cruz & Rosa Elena - 2007 - México, D. F.: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México.
  24.  33
    Iconicity affects children’s comprehension of complex sentences: The role of semantics, clause order, input and individual differences.Laura E. de Ruiter, Anna L. Theakston, Silke Brandt & Elena V. M. Lieven - 2018 - Cognition 171 (C):202-224.
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  25. Sujeto, temporalidad e ipseidad.María Elena Candioti de Zan - 1998 - Escritos de Filosofía 17 (33):147-162.
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    Il luogo del sogno e l’allucinazione negativa. Merleau-Ponty e Freud.Elena De Silvestri - 2022 - Chiasmi International 24:335-348.
    In his notes for the course entitled “The Problem of Passivity: Sleep, the Unconscious, Memory,” Merleau-Ponty describe the notion of “negative hallucination” as “a perception, but not recognized for what it is.” This essay analyses this figure as it is taken up by Merleau-Ponty in direct dialogue with Freud’s work. To begin, through the double category of the “negative” and the “perceived,” Merleau-Ponty broaches the question of the “place” of dreams by adopting an eccentric position that sheds light on an (...)
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    Interactions between givenness and clause order in children’s processing of complex sentences.Laura E. de Ruiter, Elena V. M. Lieven, Silke Brandt & Anna L. Theakston - 2020 - Cognition 198 (C):104130.
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    Los costos y su manejo con el control estadístico de procesos, con ayuda de la distribución normal.Leonel Arias Montoya, Liliana Margarita Portilla de Arias, Bernal Loaiza & María Elena - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    A centralized Pharmacy Unit for cytotoxic drugs in accordance with Italian legislation.Paolo Baldo, Antonella Bertola, Giancarlo Basaglia, Mariarosa Moneghini, Roberto Sorio, Enrico Zibardi, Renzo Lazzarini & Paolo De Paoli - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (2):265-271.
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    La transferencia de conocimientos desde las Humanidades: posibilidades y características.Elena Castro Martínez, Ignacio Fernández de Lucio, Marián Pérez Marín & Felipe Criado Boado - 2008 - Arbor 184 (732):619-636.
    En este artículo se analizan las características de la transferencia de conocimiento desde unas disciplinas concretas, las humanidades y ciencias humanas, hacia sus respectivos sectores de aplicación. En primer lugar, se pone en evidencia que la transferencia de conocimiento es un concepto complejo y en evolución. En segundo lugar, se caracteriza la transferencia de conocimiento en estas disciplinas; para ello, se analizan los factores que influyen en la transferencia sobre la base del modelo de Bozeman (2000) y de la información (...)
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  31. The Global Watchdogs: Toward International Animal Rights Law?Kit de Vriese & Maria Elena Handtrack - 2021 - Journal of Animal Ethics 11 (1):63-83.
    This article examines the different avenues to protect animals globally under (a zoological perspective on) international law. A first approach is to use existing organizations, which are limited in scope but through which it is easier to find common ground. The second approach is to use a global existing and overarching organization. The Organization for Animal Health has the advantage of having quasi-universal membership and of issuing science-based and objective reports. However, its powers are currently quite weak. This article suggests (...)
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    La crítica platónica a oradores, poetas y sofistas. Hitos en la conceptualización de la mímesis.Graciela Elena Marcos de Pinotti - 2006 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 34:9-28.
    Este trabajo se ocupa de la crítica de Platón a oradores, poetas y sofistas. Su propósito es mostrar que independientemente de las características que singularizan una batalla de vasto alcance librada por el filósofo en tres frentes distintos, la noción de imitación (mimesis) proporciona un hilo conductor que permite vincular esos diferentes enfrentamientos y arrojar luz sobre la reacción de Platón ante quienes identifica, peyorativamente, como imitadores. La práctica adulatoria del orador en Gorgias, no menos que el quehacer del poeta (...)
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    Letting language be: reflections on enactive method.Elena Clare Cuffari, Ezequiel A. Di Paolo & Hanne De Jaegher - 2021 - Filosofia Unisinos 22 (1):117-124.
    Prompted by our commentators, we take this response as an opportunity to clarify the premises, attitudes, and methods of our enactive approach to human languaging. We high-light the need to recognize that any investigation, particularly one into language, is always a concretely situated and self-grounding activity; our attitude as researchers is one of knowing as engagement with our subject matter. Our task, formulating the missing categories that can bridge embodied cognitive science with language research, requires avoiding premature abstractions and clarifying (...)
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  34. Juan Bosch : literatura y exilio.Rosa Elena Pérez de la Cruz - 2011 - In Adalberto Santana (ed.), Filosofía, historia de las ideas e ideología en América Latina y el Caribe. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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    The science of urban regions: Public-science-community partnerships as a new mode of regional governance?Christian Iaione & Elena De Nictolis - 2023 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 24 (2):141-162.
    This article offers a discussion on the opportunity of collaborative, multi-actor (public, private, science, social, and civic actors) partnerships as experimental policymaking and governance solutions for climate mitigation and adaptation plans geographically localized at the urban, metropolitan, and regional level. It sets out considerations as regards the need to design newly conceived permanent or temporary institutional geographies by building on the analysis of examples of policies implementing this kind of partnerships in Italy (e.g., river contracts; river foundations; neighborhood agreements; pacts (...)
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    Working Memory Training for Healthy Older Adults: The Role of Individual Characteristics in Explaining Short- and Long-Term Gains.Erika Borella, Elena Carbone, Massimiliano Pastore, Rossana De Beni & Barbara Carretti - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Individual consent in cluster randomised trials for non-pharmaceutical interventions: going beyond the Ottawa statement.Marissa LeBlanc, Jon Williamson, Francesco De Pretis, Jürgen Landes & Elena Rocca - unknown
    This paper discusses the issue of overriding the right of individual consent to participation in cluster randomised trials (CRTs). We focus on CRTs testing the efficacy of non-pharmaceutical interventions. As an example, we consider school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Norway, a CRT was promoted as necessary for providing the best evidence to inform pandemic management policy. However, the proposal was rejected by the Norwegian Research Ethics Committee since it would violate the requirement for individual informed consent. This sparked (...)
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    Creating Learning Environments Free of Violence in Special Education Through the Dialogic Model of Prevention and Resolution of Conflicts.Elena Duque, Sara Carbonell, Lena de Botton & Esther Roca-Campos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Violence suffered by children is a violation of human rights and a global health problem. Children with disabilities are especially vulnerable to violence in the school environment, which has a negative impact on their well-being and health. Students with disabilities educated in special schools have, in addition, more reduced experiences of interaction that may reduce both their opportunities for learning and for building protective social networks of support. This study analyses the transference of evidence-based actions to prevent violence in schools (...)
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    “Tell Someone,” to Both Women and Men.Elena Duque, Patricia Melgar, Sara Gómez-Cuevas & Garazi López de Aguileta - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Contrary to an understanding of the struggle against gender violence as placing men and women in opposition to one another, victims have always been supported by both women and men. To prevent violence is important to know not only which message should be transmitted but also how the dialogue should unfold, and the characteristics of the people engaging in that dialogue. Because of the existing association between attraction and violence in our society, the unity of the language of ethics and (...)
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  40.  23
    El camino de los kami en las películas de Hayao Miyazaki.Susana Elena Rodríguez de Tembleque García - 2023 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 28:e65353.
    A través de algunos largometrajes de animación de Hayao Miyazaki es posible reconocer las principales manifestaciones del sintoísmo. La veneración a los antepasados asociada al culto al emperador, el culto a la naturaleza manifestado en los irui-kon o matrimonios con seres sobrenaturales además de otros aspectos como la purificación, el más allá, los vuelos y el sacerdocio sintoísta son analizados en estas películas japonesas.
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    Physical Activity, Sleep, and Nutrition Do Not Predict Cognitive Performance in Young and Middle-Aged Adults.Hieronymus J. M. Gijselaers, Barberà Elena, Paul A. Kirschner & Renate H. M. de Groot - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The Internet of Humans (IoH): Human Rights and Co-Governance to Achieve Tech Justice in the City.Anna Berti Suman, Elena De Nictolis & Christian Iaione - 2019 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 13 (2):263-299.
    Internet of Things, Internet of Everything and Internet of People are concepts suggesting that objects, devices, and people will be increasingly interconnected through digital infrastructure that will generate a growing gathering of data. Parallel to this development is the celebration of the smart city and sharing city as urban policy visions that by relying heavily on new technologies bear the promise of efficient and thriving cities. Law and policy scholarship have either focused on questions related to privacy, discrimination, security, or (...)
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    Laughs and Jokes in Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Video-Recorded Doctor-Couple Visits.Silvia Poli, Lidia Borghi, Martina De Stasio, Daniela Leone & Elena Vegni - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Purpose: To explore the characteristics of the use of laughs and jokes during doctor-couple assisted reproductive technology visits.Methods: 75 videotaped doctor-couple ART visits were analyzed and transcribed in order to: quantify laugh and jokes, describing the contribution of doctors and couples and identifying the timing of appearance; explore the topic of laughs and jokes with qualitative thematic analysis.Results: On average, each visit contained 17.1 utterances of laughs and jokes. Patients contributed for 64.7% of utterances recorded. Doctor and women introduced the (...)
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  44. Discorso fisico della parola. Con la lettera a Gabriel Cossart SJ.Gerauld de Cordemoy, Ettore Lojacono & Elena Rapetti - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (1):179.
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    Amistad, ēthos e igualdad en la discusión aristotélica de las politeiai democráticas.Elena Irrera - forthcoming - Araucaria.
    Este artículo analiza el papel que tiene la atención hacia el ēthos de los ciudadanos en la creación y la conservación de los regímenes políticos por parte de una actividad legislativa virtuosa, haciendo especial hincapié en las formas de gobierno democráticas. Para desarrollar esta idea, me centraré en la idea de la “amistad política”, que Aristóteles examina en sus obras éticas en relación con la facultad de la actividad legislativa virtuosa de moldear los hábitos de los ciudadanos. El análisis de (...)
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    Moral distress related to ethical dilemmas among Spanish podiatrists.Marta Elena Losa Iglesias, Ricardo Becerro de Bengoa Vallejo & Paloma Salvadores Fuentes - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (5):310-314.
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    La Comisión de Mujeres y Ciencia del CSIC: diez años promoviendo la igualdad de oportunidades y la excelencia en el organismo.Pilar López Sancho, Joaquina Álvarez-Marrón, Flora De Pablo, Josefa Masegosa Gallego, Mª Carmen Mayoral Gastón, Elena Molina Hernández, Eulalia Pérez Sedeño, Francisca Puertas Maroto & Luisa Mª Sandalio González - 2013 - Arbor 189 (759):a012.
    La Comisión Mujeres y Ciencia del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) fue creada en 2002 como comisión asesora de la Presidencia para temas de género. En sus diez años de funcionamiento, la comisión ha contribuido a mejorar la carrera científica de las mujeres investigadoras del CSIC y a aumentar la visibilidad de los resultados de sus investigaciones. En este trabajo se resumen los orígenes y objetivos de esta comisión, así como las actividades realizadas desde 2002, y se analiza la (...)
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    Research, education, ethics consultation: evaluating a Bioethics Unit in an Oncological Research Hospital.Marta Perin, Elena Turola, Giovanna Artioli, Luca Ghirotto, Massimo Costantini, Morten Magelssen & Ludovica De Panfilis - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundThis study aims to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the activities of a Bioethics Unit (BU) 5 years since its implementation (2016–2020). The BU is a research unit providing empirical research on ethical issues related to clinical practice, clinical ethics consultation, and ethical education for health care professionals (HPS).MethodsWe performed an explanatory, sequential, mixed-method, observational study, using the subsequent qualitative data to explain the initial quantitative findings. Quantitative data were collected from an internal database and analyzed by descriptive analysis. Qualitative evaluation (...)
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    (1 other version)La "capacidad feminista" de la filosofía cartesiana.Elena Nájera - 2017 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 11:103-118.
    El artículo se propone valorar la capacidad feminista del pensamiento de Descartes en un triple sentido. En primer lugar, se centrará la cuestión en la propia filosofía de este autor en busca de sus claves éticas. En un segundo paso, se expondrá como éstas fueron interpretadas y activadas por mujeres intelectuales de la época conocidas como las cartesianas. Finalmente, se analizará la recepción crítica de la concepción cartesiana de la subjetividad por parte de Isabel de Bohemia, quien insiste en las (...)
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    Category-Based Learning About Deviant Outgroup Members Hinders Performance in Trust Decision Making.Maïka Telga, Soledad de Lemus, Elena Cañadas, Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón & Juan Lupiáñez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:338038.
    The present research examines whether individuation and categorization processes influence trust decisions about strangers at first and across repeated interactions. In a partial replication of the study reported by Cañadas et al. (2015), participants played an adaptation of the multi-round trust game paradigm and had to decide whether or not to cooperate with unknown partners. Gender (Study 1a) and ethnicity (Studies 1b, 2, and 3) served to create distinct social categories among the game partners, whose reciprocation rates were manipulated at (...)
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